APIs Are Products


By Bernardo Perez de Lara/CEO Near BPO APIs (Application Programming Interface) enable a software program to use the services of another software program, serving as a systems interconnection technology. According to the responses of a [...]

¿Cómo obtener ganancias de APIs?


Si has escuchado hablar de las APIs en algún punto, sabes que ellas forman parte de la base del Mundo Digital y que implican una inversión considerable de dinero. Pero si no lo sabías, las APIs [...]

Hybrid Cloud: This is what your company is missing


It is known to almost everyone in any industry that digital transformation is taking over. From the financial to the healthcare industry, we now can pay services, goods and even make a doctor’s appointment through an [...]



Omnicanal u omnicanalidad es un término empleado para hacer referencia a una estrategia de gestión del cliente. Esta estrategia aborda todo el ciclo de vida de la relación del cliente con la empresa proveedora, donde [...]

What Is an API?

2023-07-14T17:01:15-04:00APIs, Digital|

Defining what an API is The goal with this article is to explain what an API is, and how important they are in our modern world. The good first step is giving the definition from [...]